BY Gerrye Wong March 23, 2025
I have to tell you about a wonderful book I just read today – I’m sure we have all heard the name of Tye Leung “Schulze for she is one of our San Franciso turn of the century Chinese American pioneers. In 1912, Tye was the first Chinese American woman to vote in a presidential primary election and her brave action was news all over the world . it was world shaking news then that would go down in the history books, but this soft cover book is better because it tells via illustrations and text exactly what was her life like living in Ross Alley, San Francisco to the present. The book follows her life from her beginning as a 5 year old living with her family in hard times, being sent to live with a family working as a mui tsai, escaping an impending match marriage to a much older man, being rescued by Donaldina Cameron and then living in the Mission Home in the center of Chinatown. The book takes the reader through Tye’s life as a translator at Angel Island Immigration Station, as a mother, as a loving grandmother, and as a senior citizen living in the Ping Yuen senior low cost housing, back to her Chinatown roots.
The best part of this easy to read book for school children are the illustrations by the author Russell N,. Low himself. The illustrations are better than a thousand words, and bring a young Tye’s life up to elderly senior. A must read for middle to high schoolers wanting to learn more about this special heroine from San Francisco Chinatown herself. Low did extensive interviews with Tye Leung Schultze’s family members and caught the human essence of this young woman living in harsh times for Chinese women living in America. Meeting him recently at a book signing, he told us that all proceeds from this book will go towards funding nursing student scholarships for CSUSM School of Nursing.
Russell added, “The direct book sales (not Amazon sales) fund nursing student scholarships for CSUSM School of Nursing. I started the scholarship program after a nearly fatal bout of sepsis in 2022. Doctors and nurses gave me a second chance at life and this is my way of paying it forward. . We have funded 28 scholarships, one book at a time. For those interested in purchasing a book to go towards the Nursing Program, they should contact me by email at threecoins1@yahoo.com.I will send them a link to make the $25 donation for the book plus a couple of dollars for shipping or they can mail a check. Since I can’t see who donates, they do need to start the process by emailing me. I will send them the book by Media Mail USPS.” ‘
This book, LAST BOAT OUT OF SHANGHAI, tells the true story of four individuals who lived through the part of of Shanghai’s history for the past 80 plus years. It is such a compelling story of survival Helen Zia tells . She lets us see their lives go through such world shattering traumas these people had to live through, such as the tragedies of the Sino Chinese Japanese war, starvation during WW II, harsh cold war, isolation policies of the cultural revolution and unwelcomed immigration to the United States.
It is a true immigrant story of people wanting to better themselves although catastrophic incidents happening in China’s history made it very difficult to achieve a better life. It was amazing that while Helen Zia was researching the topic ,her own mother opened up about her own life experiences struggling through the many takeovers of Shanghai and the subsequent changes in ruling parties which instead of making life easier for the citizens of China, life became even more difficult to survive. I read the book through audio system and Nancy’s narrative Is very well done.
When we look at history in San Francisco’s Chinatown it is hard for the younger generation to learn that Chinese babies were not allowed to be born in any hospital other than Chinese Hospital in the heart of San Francisco’s Chinatown. San Francisco’s Chinese Hospital’s origins trace back over a century to the 1899 establishment Tung Wah Dispensary. When the dispensary was destroyed by the 1906 earthquake, Chinese hospital opened its doors to serve Chinatown’s residents. In 2016 the 1925 hospital building was replaced by a modern patient tower. Thousands of births occurred at Chinese Hospital during the period from 1925 to 1998. These generations enriched Chinatown, San Francisco and surrounding regions with their diverse talents and accomplishments.
This year, according to Beverly Lee, will be the first time babies born at Chinese Hospital will be invited to celebrate being the many first generation Chinese American to be born In an actual hospital. There are as many as 50,000 born at the hospital. An event is being organized whereby those born in Chinese Hospital can come and meet other noted babies grown up. Join the reunion of fellow babies born at the Chinese Hospital April 5 – 3-9 pm. at 1044 Stockton St., in San Francisco Chinatown.
It will be a wonderful experience to meet fellow San Franciscans with your common bond of the Chinese Hospital birth place.