Ding Ding TV Report – SEIC Dedication Ceremony In 2025 San Francisco State University
On Jan. 24 at 9 a.m., San Francisco State University celebrated the opening of its new Science and Engineering Innovation Center, an all-electric science building filled with innovative student-centric teaching spaces.
Speakers at the event included Gilead CEO Daniel O’Day, SFSU President Lynn Mahoney and more.
The California State University Chancellor’s Office provided $150 million to fully cover the facility’s construction, a major investment in the California STEM workforce.
A few of SEIC’s highlights include:
• The Ken Fong and Willie Brown, Jr. Collaborative Commons of the Center will be dedicated in honor of two of San Francisco State University’s most distinguished alumni
• A configurable large learning space for over a hundred students on the first floor that can be rearranged to facilitate group work, with an interactive AV system that allows students and instructor to dynamically share work and learn from each other.
• Three studio-style integrated lecture/lab chemistry classrooms
• Chemistry research labs with industry-standard equipment, introducing new experimental capabilities for protein crystallography, enzyme kinetics and drug development
• A robotics and mechatronics lab with a multi-robotic-arm-automatized assembly line
• Power systems (a collaboration with PG&E) and energy systems labs (supporting a DOE-funded Center of Excellence in energy efficiency) to study power distribution and HVAC/energy research, respectively
• A structural and seismic engineering lab with strong wall and floor and a robotic motion platform to test structural dynamics, hazard mitigation and more
• A makerspace and two garages with large and small machining equipment for student projects, like concrete canoes, Formula 1 SAE racecars, steel bridges and other senior projects