
Ding Ding TV Report Hung Wei’s Story Behind her Speech

On September 17, Hung Wei announced she will pause her campaign to focus on recovery. As the first Asian American councilmember in Cupertino’s history, Hung Wei’s current mission is her health, but her dedication to serving the community remains unwavering.

Since being diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in April, Hung Wei has faced numerous challenges, but her optimism and determination have never faded. In a letter to friends and her Rotary family, she fondly recalled her time serving as Rotary president and active community leader, expressing her gratitude for the love and support that have helped her on this difficult journey. “I could not have come this far without the love of my Rotary family,” she said.

Hung Wei also shared her plan to travel to Taiwan with her husband, where she will focus on treatment and recovery. She is hopeful about the future, grateful for access to world-class medical teams, and remains optimistic: “I look forward to returning and continuing to serve the community when my health improves.”

While Hung Wei is stepping away from politics for now, her love for Cupertino and her positive outlook on life will always be remembered. She hopes people will think of her as someone “full of joy and energy,” rather than the health challenges she is currently facing.

Ding Ding TV reported she shares her insights on life, strength, and optimism as she navigates this difficult time. Her story is not only a testament to her personal strength, but also a reflection of her deep love and dedication to the community.

Here is her letter to friends and family.

Hi friends and Rotary family,

It has been one of the greatest privileges of my life to have served as your President , your district governor, your lunch lady and all the other joyful projects I had the opportunity to partake in with this Rotary club, my second family.
However, I must share some difficult news. As many of you know already, in April I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. After my diagnoses , I also had to struggle with some disease related setbacks, including 3 strokes. With the help of my family and friends, I have been working hard to regain my health.
I could not have come this far without the love and support of my rotary family. I have such gratitude for being a part of this organization , who really mean it when they say “we take care of each other”. No one has taken care of me better than my sons and my Rotary family!
However, on the recommendation of my family. I have made the difficult decision to suspend my activities here in Cupertino and to take a trip to Taiwan with my husband. There I can focus exclusively on my health. There, also, I will have access to some of the best medical teams in the world, who know and understand this disease. I remain optimistic about the future and hope to return home to all
of you when my health improves.
In the meantime, I leave with love and gratitude in my heart. I leave Saturday morning and will not be receiving any visitor (as there is so very much to do).
Please feel free to write to me at my gmail email and I will respond if I can. If don’t get back to you, please know I so love all your good wishes.


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