
Professor John Mearsheimer: A Destructive Foreign Policy

By Joel Wong

John J. Mearsheimer is a prominent American political scientist and international relations scholar, best known for developing the theory of offensive realism. This theory posits that great powers are inherently driven to seek regional hegemony in an anarchic international system.

Here is a summary of his key points:

  • Overall, Mearsheimer presents a very critical perspective on recent U.S. foreign policy actions and their destabilizing global consequences.
  • The discussion covers a range of foreign policy and geopolitical issues, including U.S. involvement in conflicts in the Middle East, the Israel-Palestine conflict, and the Russia-Ukraine war.
  • Professor Mearsheimer is highly critical of U.S. foreign policy, arguing that it has been destructive to world peace. He believes the U.S. has played a key role in creating many of the conflicts around the world.
  • On Israel, Mearsheimer argues that it is an apartheid state carrying out a genocide against the Palestinians. He is very critical of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s policies and believes they are detrimental to Israel’s long-term interests.
  • Regarding the Russia-Ukraine war, Mearsheimer believes Ukraine’s recent cross-border attack into Russia was likely done with the knowledge and likely support of the U.S. government, even though the U.S. has denied this. He thinks the U.S. is deeply involved in the war, even though it is not deploying its own combat troops.
  • Mearsheimer is skeptical that there can be a viable two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians given the political dynamics in Israel. He believes the situation for Palestinians living under Israeli control is likely to get worse over time.
  • In particular John Mearsheimer has been critical of U.S. foreign policy under Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Mearsheimer warns that the U.S. should be more cautious in its dealings with China and Russia to avoid escalating tensions.


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