

All Around the Town

by Gerrye Wong      September 1.   2024



The grand opening of the Friends of Children with Special Needs new headquarters – named the Osgood Center – was held before a large crowd of supporters, volunteers, clients  and guests on August 23.  Located in Fremont, California, the Center will not only serve as the much needed office headquarters but will provide large spaces for classes and events.  As one of the original founders , Anna Wang, told us, “ As we have more and more individuals and families waiting for our services, this new center will definitely help us expand capacity for existing services such as Adult and after school programs, employment  and adult day services, living support services for high need individuals and coordinating comprehensive services for their individual families.   We’ve started a new program to train and empower families and parents to advocate for their own children and navigate the social service system.  With our larger Osgood Center we can have new social recreation services for both children and adults to help explore, discover and develop their own talents.”


Dream Achievers Band of Friends of Children With Special Needs entertain guests.            FCSN Chair Limin Hu welcomes all to art exhibit

At present it was announced that FCSN has and continues to serve over 1500 families. They don’t all come at the same time but they have many  community social gatherings, concerts, plays , music, arts, sports and even culinary art training. At one time, the three centers should hold up to 400 and more clients but with the new building it is hoped their services can expand to help at least 300 more.  Currently FCSN has 160 employees providing daily services to more than 500 adults and children with special needs.



Sylvia Yeh, left, introduces dedicated staff members and volunteers.             Austin Chen, artist, sells his pottery piecers to Gerrye Wong & Maelene Wong at Grand Opening

So at present FCSN will be providing activities and services at its three centers– Always Dream Chenming & Margret Hu Center in Fremont   and near SC County Hospital off Bascome Avenue, the Bascom Center in San Jose.  It was so wonderful to tour the Center at the Grand Opening to see the different large spaces ready for classes. The clients’ Art works decorated the walls with many purchased that day.  I purchased a beautiful pottery piece done by Austin Chen who is donating all of his sales proceeds to the Osgood Center services. The new headquarters, the Osgood Center, will fulfill another Dream for the devoted volunteer parents assembled at the Grand Opening Ceremony. Congratulations Anna, James, President Mr Lee. Limin Hu  and all who contributed to make another dream a reality.


Guests at Grand Opening of Osgood Center enjoy auditorium room                                   Fremont City Leaders show their support of Osgood Center

Capital Campaign Co-Chair James Chiao happily looked back in time when FCSN was first founded in 1996 by ten Chinese American families with the mission to helping children/adult with special needs and their families.  In 2006 the organization completed its first Dream Project  into a building they temporarily named the Dream Center better able to handle by then, hundreds of requests to attend.  In 2017, based on the Dream project model, a second center (FCSN South Bay Chapter) was opened in San Jose to serve families in the South Bay.  That center thrives despite pandemic and continues to grow.

The new headquarters includes a 6000 sf one story building and an adjacent 12,000sf two story building enabling FCSN to greatly expand its range of services.  According to co-President CK Lee, “We plan to establish a new day program for special needs adults , expand after school services for school-aged children with special needs, and enhance our employment support services.”   This year FCSN has also established a much needed department   titled Coordinated Family Support Service (CFS) to provide better support and services for special needs Adults living at home with parents.  President Lee is asking any families to reach out to the group for help and understanding.” Visit www.fcsn1996.org



In his quest to help the first Chinese American from northern California get elected to Congress, APALI founder and educator Michael Chang gathered a group of Silicon Valley leaders to host a dinner for District 16  candidate Evan Low.  They called themselves  “Silicon Valley Community Investors” because they believed their upcoming fundraising dinner is truly an investment in the future for Asian Americans rise to government leadership. Low, born and bred in Campbell, CA , has served as Campbell City Councilman and Mayor, and has been a California Assemblyman for the past 10 years so he has been  proven leader, they thought.


Carrying sign Let’s go Evan Low                         Supporters for Evan Low                                                                                                              Table Chairs for Community Leaders Event in San Jose

Supporters came from all over the Bay Area and as far as Sacramento to show support at the Grand Dynasty Restaurant in San Jose. Honorary Chairmen for the evening event were Ken Fong, Buck Gee, Gilbert Wong, Gerrye Wong, Hsing Kung, Jerry Chen, Lim Family, Michael Chang, Sandy Chau, Sue Chan, Travis Kiyota, Asian Am Forward and CAPA21.


Evan Low Supporters from SSF and Sacramento                                                  Michael Chang, Chair , standing  center, greets Buck Gee’s Table of supporters


As political fundraisers go, there was many introductions of government office holders. Committee Chair Ken Fong spoke glowingly of Evan Low’s qualifications for the congressional seat, recently occupied by Anna Eshoo. Upon introduction by Fong, Evan Low spoke of where he came from, his pride in being Asian American, his long recognized record for passing the most bills during his tenure in the California Assembly, and his plans for the future in representing his constituents in Silicon Valley.  A team of organized and enthusiastic young people made sure to hand out brochures and lawn signs to those departing the dinner.   Election is in November for the District 16 office.


At Fundraising dinner event for Evan Low run for Congressional Seat District Patrick Ahrens, Diana Ding.  Also on hand Barbara Why, Chair Ken Fong. Calvin Wong,



At a recent function, I couldn’t help notice many of the seniors who had lost much of their hair, a sure sign of aging. Then another older gentleman passed by with a full head of hair immaculately cut and coiffed.  I congratulated him on his healthy head of hair, indicating all of his cohorts were hairless in comparison.  He sly whispered, it is thanks to Hair Designs by Kelly Dinger that my life and appearance has changed.  Kelly, located in San Mateo’s bustling 25th Avenue small businesses, has made a lot of people happy with her full array of wigs and toppers she personally fashions for each client. Small or large size, black or otherwise, human or artificial hair wigs have been her specialty for the past over 10 years of her being in this much needed service business.  Okay men and women, be a standout in your gray haired crowd, contact Kelly at 650 200 5793 for a new you.


Caption:  Happy opening for Hair Designs by Kelly                                                                                                   Call Kelly at 650 200 5793 for  hair consultation


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