
“Searching for an Endgame With China” featuring Matt Pottinger

By Joel Wong

Matt Pottinger, a former Deputy National Security Adviser under President Trump, views China’s rise with caution and urgency. In this Podcast, Pottinger, who may be a key figure in shaping US China policy, discusses the significant shift in America’s approach to China. He believes China seeks to reshape global norms and influence on its own terms, and the US must adopt a more assertive approach to counter its ambitions.

He emphasizes the need for a clear and bold strategy, involving:

1. Clear goals: Define a radical goal for the kind of China the US wants to see.

2. Managing competition: Protect American national security, prosperity, and democracy by managing competition with China more assertively.

3. Strategic risks: Take on more risks to counter China’s influence and ensure a favorable balance of power in the Indo-Pacific region.

Key Takeaways:

– Shift in US China policy towards a more assertive and risk-taking strategy

– Need for clear goals and managing competition with China

– Importance of taking strategic risks to counter China’s influence

Pottinger’s views offer insight into potential China policy under a future Trump administration, emphasizing strategic competition and deterrence over democracy promotion.


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