
Tiny Singapore Battles with Western Media, featuring Lee Kuan Yew

By Joel Wong

Lee Kuan Yew played a pivotal role in guiding Singapore’s transformation into a prosperous and vibrant city-state. By implementing policies that focused on national development, responsible governance, and fostering social cohesion, he laid the foundation for Singapore’s success on the global stage. Lee was a fierce critic of Western journalism.

This video briefly delves into his clashes with US-owned publications, encounters with various Western journalists, and his emphasis on truth over fake news & sensationalism.

Lee Kuan Yew engaged with Western media by challenging their narratives and ensuring accurate reporting through direct engagement, withholding circulation rights for untruthful reporting, and emphasizing the importance of factual and responsible journalism to maintain societal harmony and development.

Key Takeaways

  • Lee Kuan Yew criticized Western media for exacerbating social divisions and prioritized factual reporting over sensationalism.
  • He emphasized the importance of responsible journalism in fostering national development.
  • Lee’s clashes with Western journalists reflected a clash of values and priorities.
  • His strong stance against Western media interference in Singapore’s society was guided by a belief in truth and the dangers of ideological biases.
  • Lee Kuan Yew’s leadership role in transforming Singapore into a prosperous nation was widely acknowledged and respected.
  • He advocated engaging with Western media openly, challenging their narratives, and ensuring accurate reporting.
  • Lee’s legacy includes protecting Singapore’s values and societal progress against negative external influences.

It is important to remember that the Western media ferociously attacked Singapore because that tiny City-State would not follow Western style of development.


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