
Gerrye and Calvin Wong’s 68th Anniversary

Gerrye and Calvin Wong celebrated their 68th wedding anniversary.

As an elementary school teacher Gerrye presented Chinese culture workshops & wrote a curriculum guide on Chinese Festivals, Fables & Foods for the Moreland San Jose school district. As a writer, she has co- authored 2 books. In “Eternal Spirit” she told the stories of Chinese immigrants assimilating to American life as seniors, with all proceeds going to the Self Help for the Elderly senior service agency in San Francisco. Her second book, “Chinese in San Jose and Santa Clara Valley”, a part of the Arcadia Company’s Images of America series, chronicled the history of the Chinese community from the mid 1800’s to the present pictorially, was co authored for the Chinese Historical and Cultural Project with all proceeds donated to maintaining its Chinese American Historical Museum in San Jose.

Married to Fortune Cookie Factory owner and engineer Calvin Wong, she professes she did NOT write any of his tiny fortunes, but did write a column titled ON THE SCENE for the only English language newspaper ASIAN WEEK targeted to Asian American readership nationally from 1980s-2010. Although she claims to be retired, she continues her love of story telling by writing a monthly column for www.dingdingtv.com on Silicon Valley community news, and travel destination stories, another of her favorite pastimes.

A mother of two and proud grandmother of 5, and great grandmother of one, she continues to be active in non-profit Asian American charitable and historical organizations. She co-founded the Chi Am Circle, an Asian American women’s social service organization which recently celebrated its 55th anniversary. She co-founded the Chinese Historical and Cultural Project which opened the Museum of Chinese American History in History San Jose park in 1991, continuing as the CHCP Trustee. She has served on the Boards of the Chinese Historical Society of America, and the Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation, where she was instrumental in helping establish their museums highlighting Chinese American history.


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