
Ding Ding TV Report – Stop The Hate Event in San Francisco

On June 22nd, Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association organized Stop the Hate event in San Francisco. The event raised awareness on education, awareness, safety, protection and prevention of hate crimes with the emphasis on the elderly, assaults, theft, drugs and homelessness.

Police Commissioner Larry Yee served as a moderator for the event and the speakers included some of the top San Francisco’s elected officials including Mayor London Breed, District Attorney Broke Jenkins and Police Chief Bill Scott.

Ding Ding TV served as a media partner on the event and livestreamed it to its audience. Over 100 people watched the event live.


Stop the Hate events are made possible in part under the Ethnic Media Outreach Program sponsored by the California State Library (CSL) in partnership with the California Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander American Affairs (CAPIAA). The views expressed here and on other materials produced by Ding Ding TV and Silicon Valley Community Media do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the CSL, CAPIAA or the California government.


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