
Asian Americans meeting with Tulsi Gabbard – For Love of Country

By Joel Wong

On Tuesday, June 18, 2024 our friends, Rajeev Singh and Mihir Megh of the Hindu American Political Action Committee (HAPAC) invited several dozens Asian American leaders in the San Francisco Bay Area to an exclusive Meet & Greet Luncheon with Tulsi Gabbard. Tulsi is a distinguished four-term Congresswoman from Hawaii, a 2020 presidential candidate, a a combat veteran with three deployments to war zones in the Middle East and Africa, and the NYT bestselling author of For Love of Country. In 2022, I briefly blogged about my surprise at her departure from the Democratic party: My Blog.

The meeting was very informative, allowing attendees to ask her detailed questions on a personal basis. Gabbard’s criticism focuses on the current administration and the Democratic Party, which she believes have strayed from their original values and are now endangering American freedoms, values, and democratic principles.

Tulsi Gabbard proposed several strategies for defending constitutional rights and democracy in the United States:

  1. Unity and Collaboration: Gabbard emphasized the need for Americans to come together in unity, motivated by love for God, fellow Americans, and the country. She stressed the importance of a deep commitment to defending freedom and democracy as a collective effort.
  2. Outreach and Inclusion: Gabbard advocated for reaching out to individuals who may feel disconnected or disillusioned with the current political landscape, emphasizing the need to welcome them to the cause of freedom. She encouraged building strategies to engage and connect with a diverse range of Americans.
  3. Political Engagement: Gabbard called for active participation in the democratic process, citing the upcoming election as a critical opportunity to defend American values. She urged people to exercise their right to vote and send a strong message to those in power.
  4. Reflect on Sacrifices: Gabbard invoked moments of reflection, like the daily military flag-raising ceremony, as a reminder of the sacrifices made by those who have served the country. She suggested drawing strength and courage from these sacrifices to drive meaningful action.
  5. Hold Leaders Accountable: Gabbard highlighted the importance of holding leaders accountable for their actions, particularly in cases of abuse of power and the undermining of democracy. She called for sending a clear message through elections to reject leaders who disregard the constitution.

Throughout her speech, Gabbard underscored the value of freedom and the need to protect it at all costs. By expressing love for God, country, and fellow Americans, she aimed to foster a sense of duty and commitment to preserving the democratic fabric of the nation.
Thank you, Rajeev and Mihir for conducting this Informative meeting!


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