Don Sun will live in our hearts & memories, 孙晓光将永远活在我们心中
Dear Friends of Don
Today, we received this message from Don’s family on his WeChat:
On March 13th 2024 5:52 PM, Sun Xiaoguang passed away. Don’s family was with him in the end, and he did not suffer in the final moments. We appreciate your love and support.
As Don’s friend, Mr. Joel Wong, suggested, Ding Ding TV created this page for his friends and people who worked with him. He will live in our hearts forever.
What people say about Don Sun:
Don Sun Telling His Life Story:
Thanks to Yiyan Xu, Don’s goddaughter, for caring for him at the hospital till the end. Thanks to Kaylee Yang, who helped Don at this critical moment. Thanks to many other friends who love and care for Don.
DON SUN is an accomplished businessman and community leader who was the Director of Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Fund Development for Andrew Yang’s Humanity Forward movement in 2020. In this role, he organized rallies for the AAPI community in over 20 cities across the United States and completed over 30 fundraisers with 100% goal achievement. Previously he served as the Executive Director of the Asian Americans for Good Government (AAGG) PAC and as a publisher and corporate CEO. He is currently the CEO of the Chinese American Youth Community Leadership Institute, in addition to his many community leadership roles in the city of Cupertino, CA. Mr. Sun holds a Juris Doctor from Peninsula Law School in California, a Master’s degree in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania, and a Bachelor’s in Statistics and Urban Planning from Renmin University in Beijing.
His signature sunny smile:
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孙晓光(Don Sun), 1978年入读中国人民大学,专业城市与区域规划。毕业后在中国城市规划研究院从事城市规划。 之后调至中央书记处农村政策研究室。1988年至1990年,在宾西法尼亚大学獲区域经济學硕士。 1990 年於Stanford 大學的胡佛研究所從事台灣土地改革和城市化研究。業餘時間在半島法學院取得法学博士学位。目前從事茶葉進口生意。
孫曉光自2000年開始,擔任中文電台《每月一書》節目專欄主持,義務灣區華人介紹美國主流思想的新書,八年如一日。 在社區裏,孫曉光已經是十几年的扶輪社會員,坚持每周为社会和国际弱势群体做好事。在擔任库市歷史學會副會長期间,他创意和组织了国际之夜,將中國文化和印度文化元素帶到城市文化裏。在四年的都市規劃委員生涯中,孫曉光每月為民眾和都市經濟發展提供咨詢和決策,去年他擔任主席期間,成功地於同事一起完成了蘋果新大廈的審批。
自2009年,孫曉光擔任亞太公共事務聯盟(AAPAPA) 灣區執行長,為華裔社區創造了許多有意義的活動,導演鼓勵華裔競選公益廣告,聯合其它族裔舉辦競選人答辯會,最早發動華裔作家向社区图书馆捐書,領導和協助國會議員趙美心通過對1882年排華法案的道歉,參與設計反對ABC辱華言論的示威,在反對SCA5中,更是和许多华人一起最早把庫市打造成華裔民眾參與政治的典範城市。三月二日的SCA5大會,就是孫曉光和王彥邦籌劃組織的。他二十年如一日,奉獻社區和華裔,為締造一個公平的社會默默耕耘。
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Don is Forever Yang Gang
Don is Forever Yang Gang
Don is Forever Yang Gang |
Some Friends Visited Don Sun on Feb 26th, 2024![]() |
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If you want to record a short video for Don, please make it horizontal, around 30 seconds, and Email it to; we’ll post it here to share with Don.
Andrew Yang came from NY to visit Don and left him a message: | From Yan Zhao to Don: |
From Aileen Kao to Don: | From Diana Ding to Don: |
From Joel Wong
Thanks to YiYan Xu, Don’s goddaughter, who is looking after him at the hospital every day.
Good afternoon everyone,
We were able to get the doctors for Don later this morning and the oncologist came just now. They’re ready to start chemotherapy for him, probably starting on Friday or earlier next week. In the meantime I’ll do my best to keep him staying in the hospital. Thank you again for your care and help!
Dear Yiyan
Thank you for your hard work and dedication taking care of Don. You are truly an angel from God. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.
今早一位朋友私信我,然后看到维平的朋友圈,真的难以相信!2/8我还在和晓光一起聊一场他正在准备的普法讲座;我还咨询他初选如何投票;晓光还提到写作出书,要写出这些年他参与美国政治的经历,令人期待。我还夸他在《哥大的椅子》演校长,演得很好,这是他第一次演戏。知道他2-3 次进ER, 说是重感冒引起的。
今早一位朋友私信我,然后看到维平的朋友圈,真的难以相信!2/8我还在和晓光一起聊一场他正在准备的普法讲座;我还咨询他初选如何投票;晓光还提到写作出书,要写出这些年他参与美国政治的经历,令人期待。我还夸他在《哥大的椅子》演校长,演得很好,这是他第一次演戏。知道他2-3 次进ER, 说是重感冒引起的。
@Don Sun 孫晓光 你我认识近三十年,想想我们在硅谷中国工程师协会的那几年的打拼,到你做生意和参政。虽说我们也有几年不见,但那时经常会听到星岛中文电台你的声音和电视上常常都能看到你的影子。真没想到演哥大的椅子你是带病坚持的。在这里我要为您祈福!祝你早日康复!!!加油加油![Worship][Worship][Worship][玫瑰]
Don , 非常震惊您生病的消息,我们在一起相聚的愉快时光仅仅过去俩月而已,愿您早日康复!
Hi. 兄弟好!
Don, we are here for you, pray for you , 早日康复!
大家也感谢晓光的干女儿许艺妍在医院陪伴他,像亲人一样照顾他。艺妍,我们被你的爱心所感动。谢谢你为晓光所做的一切。有任何需要帮助的地方,请reach out 联系我们。Take care!
Don, 我们在一起的每一分钟都是最开心的时光。
谢谢 Hellen
Shirley lee Don tirelessly works for our communities for his political views and passions for supporting the Asian American community leaders ! We love you and We praying for your speedy recovery!
Dear Don,
I am sad to hear you are going through this health challenge. I am thinking of you and wishing you strength to stay positive and to beat this! You are in a ‘club’ that no one wants to be a member of – getting this diagnosis. hope after treatment you will very quickly join the survivor club! I was lucky to join the survivor club in 2011 and I wait for you to join me. I hope your treatment is as gentle as possible.
Take care.
Alysa Sakkas
Dear Don, 因為知道是要念給您聽的,所以用中文寫給您。我在世界日報工作時好多次和您有過交流 ,您的熱情和正義感令我感佩。您最令我印象深刻就是您的毅力,相信您正以同樣的毅力在和癌症奮戰。為您祝福,我會天天為您祈禱的。您替華人社區盡心盡力,讓這個社區變得 更好,您的生命非常有意義。
我也得过癌症,经历过手术,化疗,放疗,轮番下来让我活得不是生命,而是一段篇幅,篇幅中的句子,句子中的词。 我们呼吸自然之气,吐故纳新,把一个又一个日子送走,勇猛的用战胜疾病来击败虚度年华,奢侈的想为大家服务,来解救这个世界。
晓光,好兄弟,大男人 ,让我们一起来寻找一些好玩的事情来冲淡疾病,激发无数个崇高理想来战胜病痛。我们只有这点儿人的智慧了,用先拿自己开涮的勇气来笑傲四方。
Don, 今天看到消息真是不敢相信。兩年前我也動了個大手術,本以為活不過來了,但是我还是挺過了!你要有信心!加油!
Diana 丁丁
Dear Don,
My thoughts and well wishes are with you as you go through this difficult health challenge. Whenever I hear your name, my memory goes back 20+ years ago when you came to volunteer at WVCS. You worked so hard to help us clear the shelves at the closing of old Whole Foods store so that we could bring them back to the Food Pantry. You were there all day and with a smile on your face the whole time.
You have worked and shown by example how to become an engaged community member. Your dedication and commitment to your passions have been inspiring. I join the numerous people whose lives have intersected with yours to wish for positive outcomes. Wishing you the return of many, many sunny smiles that you have given others.
Went to church and prayed for you yesterday together with 24 other folks in the room. Our God is a healing God; may He heal you quickly. Be strong. We are with you.
We are all praying for you. Our God is a healing God; may He bring you comfort and life. We are all praying for you.
Dear Don: Sending my prayers to you and hoping you are strong and being well supported. Your energy is incredible and I know you are fighting your condition like you do on your campaigns! Hugs to you and I miss seeing you. All my best!
Get well soon. My thoughts are prayers are with you!
Dearest Don–our prayers are with you. We did some very good projects together. And, you so willingly took inout I had for you. I learned to love and respect yoiu. You were such a committed volunteer and entrepreneur.
I send you a warm hug. You are not alone. God loves you and so do we.
I am very sad to know about your health challenges. I’m thinking about you today and all the fun we have had and how much you have given to the Cupertino community.
With love,
Your friend Richard
I wish you a speedy recovery. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Don, You such a great leader and community worker, please beat this disease. You are much loved and respected. Your friendship is cherished. Wishing you every success and you have my best thoughts for your health.
Hey Don,
We are all leaving positive thoughts and prayers for you
We miss you very much here at Cupertino Rotary.
Hi Don,
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I remember the fun times we had at Cupertino Rotary. Also, I always enjoy hearing your stories from the campaign trail.
Dear Don: your amazing spirit and resilience shines through in everything you do. May the knowledge that you’ve touched and inspired so many people in so many ways now carry you through a time when you need to rest, replenish, and heal. May love surround you and peace be in your heart. I am praying for you and your family.
Don – Very Sorry to read the difficulties you have encountered. I will always remember your dedication to Rotary, public service, and, of course, you humor.
Don – I will always remember your dedication to Rotary, public service, and, of course, you humor.
Praying for a positive outcome 🙏🙏. Look forward to seeing your smiling face. May you be surrounded by love and support to lift your spirits getting through this difficult time 🙏
Don – every time I go to Target and see the tiny “trees” they put in to line the pedestrian walkway from Stevens Creek Blvd to the store, I think of the comment you made to me as chair of the Planning Commission: “Geoff, you should have MADE them put in big trees by including that in the conditions of approval of their remodel.” So – you were a great colleague and mentor to me on the planning commission, and I miss working with you.
I will be praying for you. Warm regards, Geoff.
Hello Don! This is April Scott, from Rotary and Monta Vista High School! We shared so many times together and always had a common bond about what is best for our kids! You were always a strong partner in education, the community, and the support of students! I send all my prayers and healing energy to you! Your positive energy guided everything you did, and will continue to do so! With fondness.
Dear Don,
May your faith, and fortitude help guide you as you navigate your health, May you have lots of moments to smile and find humor to lighten the journey. How lucky I was to get to know when you were Club Service Chair when I was Club President. Your creativity introduced our Rotary Club to being sustainable by using reusable table cloths. Remember the rainbow pastel colors? They made a welcoming venue each week. This was a very small example of your creativity, and ownership of the job. May a rainbow of positive memories bring you relief and knowledge of how you are valued and cared for by many. Including me! Wishing you healing. ❤️🩹
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Your commitment to Rotary and your passion for community service has always been appreciated and well recognized by everyone.
When my son Robert was looking for a job following college graduation you sought out leads for him and found a local business that offered him a position. You went the extra mile as you always do. It was very much appreciated by our family.
We look forward to your recovery and we hope to see you at a Rotary meeting in the near future.
This is Rayne Liu.
hope you have a speedy recovery.
I was visiting a friend of mine last week. He had a lung cancer 7-8 years ago, stage 4, the last stage. But he was so lucky that the targeted drug for his type of the lung cancer was just approved by FDA several months ago. And after a few weeks of taking the drug, he was under control, and he is very healthy now.
If you can let me know what type of cancer you have, I may get more information for you for your reference. Let me know.
Hey Don!,
I remember the first time I met you at one of your Asian Americans for Good Government back in 2017. Thank you for supporting and helping our Asian Americans in civic engagement.
Do you remember me showing you the social media, and then I saw you showing your work with Andrew Yang via social media?
I heard about you via Diana’s FB post and Rotary email. Continue fighting!
With much positivity, Ava
Thinking of you Don and sending strength and warm, caring thoughts your way.
Hi Don, it’s Samantha Millar, a former student from Monta Vista who you mentored. I’m so sorry to hear this news, and have to tell you how much you’ve inspired me. You took my passion for leadership and politics seriously when I was in high school, and helped me make my dream of starting a student voter registration drive district-wide happen. Your passion for democracy and good government fed my interest in that mission, and years later here I am writing you this message from Washington, D.C., where I live and work with progressive nonprofits as a communictions professional with a degree in political communication. Part of the reason I’m here is because you inspired me as a teenager – thank you for being you.
I wish you rest and healing, and I hope you’re proud of all you’ve done for the world.
Thank you for sharing this message Samantha, so inspiring and touching. Thank you for continuing this journey serving our community.
Don Sun has given much to our community. In this time of need, we all remember the good deeds that Don did for us. We all rally behind him and wish him a speedy recovery. God Bless!
Joel Wong
Dear Don, 看到message 才得知您身體不適,前陣子您抱病依然參加舞台劇的演出, 您的堅強毅力, 開朗個性, 和對社區公益及政治的熱情會幫助您渡過這堅難的治療時期,走向完全康復!我會為您祈禱, 祝您治療順利,早日康復!
I’m rooting for you Don! Sending you healing vibes and warm wishes during this difficult time.
Dear Don,
My thoughts and prayers are with you as you face this health challenge. I pray that you’ll recover and we’ll see you at Rotary. You have a lot of friends here at Cupertino Rotary who value your friendship and talents.
Stay Strong. Our thoughts are with you.
We are all praying for your recovery, Don. You have always been so kind and I want you to know that your generosity and innovative spirit have inspired so many. I will always remember your gracious tea tasting at the Los Altos History Museum’s Smithsonian “I Want the Wide American Earth” exhibit reception. Your adventures traveling through Asia in search of the perfect teas you steeped that afternoon enthralled the audience!
Take care and be well,
Dear Don,
We are praying for your recovery and health. I first met you when you became a Planning Commissioner for the City. Your hard work and appreciation for the work of the Cory have always stayed in our memories. You led by example and worked hard to understand and make recommendations on very important city projects. Your collaborative and helpful nature also impressed us at Rotary. I hope your family finds solace in the wonderful work you have done for the city and for so many people in the Bay Area and around the world through your participation in so many projects. Take care and be well
Dear Don,
You are in my thoughts and prayers as you travel through your current journey. I’ll always remember meeting you for the first time through the Cupertino Historical Society and how you brought a lot of passion and energy to our small little organization. You had so many good ideas about how to include the voices of our Chinese American community. Your dedication to making Cupertino better whether through Rotary, the Historical Society, the City as a Planning Commissioner, while running for a council seat, or through your advocacy for people getting involved in civic leadership, impressed me beyond measure. And then you decided to work on the Andrew Yang campaign! Boundless energy! I was always happy to see you out and about in our community. Sending you a big warm hug!
Don, 自从2019 年你加我进你的朋友圈,我几乎没有和你交流,因为你总是那么忙忙碌碌,但我有幸在Andrew 的聚会上见过你好几次。
记得我们最近的对话吗?我点赞了你的moment, 你说“谢谢你点赞👍!好开心“, 我才了解你虽然忙,也挺平易近人啊。
我说“佩服你有能力精力毅力做这么多公益活动“ 你说“我喜欢而已。 “
Hi Don,
We worked together on Rotary projects, Cupertino activities and political efforts, but we had the most fun playing golf together! You were always a little better than me! You hit the ball longer, straighter and more accurately, but we always finished with a good laugh and enjoyed the time we spent together! Be strong and birdie a few more holes!
You have always reminded me of the importance of civic engagement and the power of collaboration. You have always shown me what community leadership looks like, and I know your positive influence will continue to live on in our community.
You always had a bright smile and positive energy to give to those around you. You are in my thoughts and prayers, and I am sending you positive energy, just like you did!
Dear Don, I want you to know I’m thinking of you and wishing with all my heart that you beat this illness. Thank you again for all your work and enthusiasm supporting Andy Yang’s presidential campaign. Your remarkable work made a difference. Again, I wish you well and hope to see you at Rotary once again.
I’m so saddened to hear that you are battling cancer. You’re an inspiration to the community you’ve helped build and have been a part of – especially getting more Asian Americans civically and politically involved. My thoughts are with you! And I hope to see you recovering well in the future.
Thinking of you, Don. Thank you for all you have done to support West Valley Community Services. I am hoping for a speedy recovery.
鉴于很多朋友表达了意愿,想要捐助孙晓光先生。而孙先生接下来的医疗、入住Nursing home、聘请护工等事项,确实需要资金。
– 校友会此次新注册了一个银行账户,专门用于收取捐款和支付孙晓光先生医疗相关款项;
– 校友会自身的所有账户和资产,都与此账户无关联,账目分离;
– 捐款将全部用于针对孙晓光先生的医疗护理等支出。
捐款方式 1:Wire Transfer
Business name: The Alumni Association of RUC SF Bay Area Inc.
Address: 972 Silicon Dr, San Jose, CA 95126
Routing number (wire transfers): 021000021
Account Number: 588355308
Account type: Business Checking
捐款方式 2: Zelle
Zelle account: 650-495-4596
Account name: The Alumni Association of RUC SF Bay
Dear friends,
Thank you all for your concern regarding Mr. Don Sun (Xiaoguang Sun)’s health!
In light of the many expressions of willingness from friends who wish to contribute to Mr. Don Sun, and considering the upcoming expenses for his medical treatment, admission to a nursing home, hiring caregivers, and other related matters, funding is indeed required.
After careful consideration, it has been decided that the Alumni Association of RUC SF Bay Area Inc (a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, hereinafter referred to as the Alumni Association) will assist in collecting donations. The donation details are as follows, and please be aware of them before making a donation:
– The Alumni Association has registered a new bank account specifically for collecting donations and disbursing funds related to Mr. Don Sun’s medical needs.
– The Alumni Association’s own accounts and assets are not associated with this account; they are kept separate.
– All donations will be used exclusively for medical care and related expenses for Mr. Don Sunl.
Donation method 1: Wire Transfer
Business name: The Alumni Association of RUC SF Bay Area Inc.
Address: 972 Silicon Dr, San Jose, CA 95126
Routing number (wire transfers): 021000021 (tel:021000021)
Account Number: 588355308
Account type: Business Checking
Donation method 2: Zelle
Zelle account: 650-495-4596
Account name: The Alumni Association of RUC SF Bay
The Alumni Association of RUC SF Bay Area In
March 5, 2024
Dear Don,
I was so sad to see the message about your current health situation. From the first day I met you at CR, I remember the “Sun” shine smile and your welcoming demeanor. It was a boost to my energy meeting you on Wednesdays and feeling like everything is alright and will be fine. Missed seeing you at meetings while you were working hard on the campaign trail but I loved the stories you shared.
Your Tea business and work in that niche market was very impressive given I come from a tea drinking country. I was visiting Assam this past month and remembered you and your passion seeing the Tea Estates.
Praying for strength for you to fight this ailment and beat it, and I look forward to seeing that sunny smile soon.
A big hug to you
An inspired fellow rotarian.-
Dear Don,
刚加入扶轮社,就得到您这位敬爱的“隔壁人大师兄”的帮助,教我申请global grant,帮我很快融入扶轮社大家庭,我一直心存感激。好好养病,快快恢复,希望一直能看到您招牌式的”Sun” smile!
Dear Friends of Don
Today, we received this message from Don’s family on his WeChat: Please give his family some time during this critical moment.
On March 13 5:52 PM, Sun Xiaoguang passed away. Don’s family was with him at the end and he did not suffer in his final moments. We appreciate your love and support, and at this time we would appreciate it if you would give his family some time to grieve and not reach out with questions.
If you want to support, please make a donation to “The Alumni Association of RUC SF Bay.” The money will go toward funeral and burial plots, not medical needs. Thank you!
After careful consideration, it has been decided that the Alumni Association of RUC SF Bay Area Inc (a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, hereinafter referred to as the Alumni Association) will assist in collecting donations. The donation details are as follows, and please be aware of them before making a donation:
– The Alumni Association has registered a new bank account specifically for collecting donations and disbursing funds related to Mr. Don Sun’s medical needs.
– The Alumni Association’s own accounts and assets are not associated with this account; they are kept separate.
– All donations will be used exclusively for medical care and related expenses for Mr. Don Sunl.
Donation method 1: Wire Transfer
Business name: The Alumni Association of RUC SF Bay Area Inc.
Address: 972 Silicon Dr, San Jose, CA 95126
Routing number (wire transfers): 021000021 (tel:021000021)
Account Number: 588355308
Account type: Business Checking
Donation method 2: Zelle
Zelle account: 650-495-4596
Account name: The Alumni Association of RUC SF Bay
The Alumni Association of RUC SF Bay Area Inc.
So shocked to hear his passing. He left an incredible legacy of community builder, promoting Asian voice, and his last debut of 哥大校长。 Glad I saw him on stage and I was so touched by the story.
Don, you will live in our hearts forever.
So sad to hear this news. Don was not only a great community leader and national organizer, but also a friend who guaranteed a bright spot in the day with every interaction. Truly a unique, compassionate person who will be missed.
Thank you Yiyan for caring for Don at the end.
What an amazing community leader. I had the pleasure of working with Don in Cupertino, and I was inspired by his work with Andrew Yang.
I have been shocked and deeply saddened by Don’s sudden diagnosis of his situation and now his leaving us. I have known him through Cupertino Rotary for many years during which he continually contributed so much to so many. He was a strong leader, initiator, and an energetic do-er! I greatly enjoyed playing golf with him and was impressed with his natural athletic ability. May God bless Don in receiving him, and may God comfort Don’s family.
The message from Don’s son and Goddaughter:
Dear friends of 孙晓光 (Don Sun),
We would like to inform you that the memorial service funeral will be held in honor of Don Sun on 2pm April 21st, 2024, at the Green Mountain Retreat, 19480 Bear Creek Rd, Los Gatos, CA 95033. This peaceful location served as Don’s residence during the final years of his life. We are currently in the process of organizing and developing RSVP links for the memorial service. Additional information will be provided in due course. We appreciate your understanding and patience, and kindly request you to stay tuned for further updates.
Chris and Yiyan
亲爱的孙晓光(Don Sun)的朋友们:
我们想通知您,纪念孙晓光先生的追悼会将于2024年4月21日下午2点在加州Los Gatos的Green Mountain Retreat举行追悼会。地址是19480 Bear Creek Rd, Los Gatos, CA 95033。这处宁静的山庄是孙晓光先生在生命的最后时光居住的地方。目前,我们正在组织追悼会的各项事宜和制作RSVP链接。更多详情将会在接下来的时间及时提供,请保持关注。感谢您的理解和耐心。
Chris and Yiyan
追悼会定于2024年4月21日在Los Gatos的Green Mountain Retreat举行。鉴于座位有限,请您尽快完成RSVP报名,我们将根据注册名单安排座次及其它必要安排。
Christopher, Anthony, Yiyan
Dear friends of Don Sun,
We have published the RSVP link today for the memorial service in honor of Don Sun. It is scheduled to take place on April 21, 2024, at Green Mountain Retreat, 19480 Bear Creek Rd, Los Gatos, CA 95033.
We sincerely request you to RSVP at your earliest convenience due to the limited seating capacity and necessary arrangements that will be made in accordance with the registration list.
Further program details regarding the memorial service shall be posted in due course.
Below is the registration link with more information.
Christopher, Anthony, Yiyan
Dear Don,
I wish I had known you earlier. I admired and respect greatly what you have done for the community and the society at large.
Rest in peace and God bless your soul!