
My experience with Meta AI by Joel Wong

By Joel Wong (Ding Ding TV Chief Editor)

Meta AI was rolled out to the public during Meta Connect 2023 on September 27, 2023. Its core components, including Emu and Llama 2, were revealed, showcasing various AI-powered programs like image generation and interactive AI personalities. Meta AI, claims to be your friendly assistant and an expert in text communication, its primary function is to assist users with tasks and provide accurate responses to their inquiries.

Since its roll out, I have been experimenting with Meta AI and conclude that it can collect information quickly and efficiently – my new research assistant. I have asked Meta AI’s opinion on a number of economical and political questions on both domestic and international affairs.

The answers come back in seconds and with proper quotes and references. I asked it plenty of controversial questions such as alleged Xinjiang genocide; the chips war; effects of China’s restriction of Germanium and Gallium exports; trade wars as causes of inflation; US tendency to overuse sanctions, etc.

When it comes to controversial subjects, it tends to take western viewpoints and perspectives. But it will modify its viewpoints when I challenge it. I asked what news sources it considers when I ask a pointed question. In general it uses and quotes western media predominantly.

So I asked it to name the top 10 credible news sources from G7 countries and top 10 from non-G7 countries. Here are Meta AI’s answers :

News sources Meta AI consider credible from G7 countries:



The New York Times

Al Jazeera English



The Economist


Wall Street Journal

The Financial Times

News sources Meta AI consider credible from Non-G7 countries:

Al Jazeera (Qatar)

Xinhua News Agency (China)

RT (Russia)

Al Arabiya (UAE)

The Times of India

People’s Daily (China)

Kyodo News (Japan), *Japan is a G7 country but I didn’t challenge it

Yonhap News Agency (South Korea)

ANADOLU Agency (Turkey)

Press TV (Iran)

To its credit, when I asked Meta AI to consider its opinion both from G7 and non-G7 countries, it would modify and tone down its pro-western tendencies.

Conclusion: Meta AI as well as other AI tools form its opinion based on its sources. To think critically and impartially, one must consider information from all sources!

Caveat: I am a novice. My opinion is just my opinion. Your comments are welcome!


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