
The 7th San Francisco International QiPao Culture Month celebrating the Asian Pacific American Heritage Month 2022

The 7th San Francisco International QiPao Culture Month celebrating the Asian Pacific American Heritage Month 2022 

The 7th San Francisco International QiPao Culture Month, hosted by American Qi Vague, the San Francisco International Qipao Culture Month Foundation, and Co-hosted by Silicon Valley Community Media – Ding Ding TV brought the colorful Chinese culture and fashion to Milpitas celebrating the Asian Pacific American Heritage Month 2022

San Francisco Qipao Culture Month was founded by Sunny Shen, the descendant of Manchu princess and the Founder of San Francisco International Qipao Culture Month. The first QiPao Culture Month took place in San Francisco in 2016. It showcased the cultural diversity of the city. Mayor AD Lee also announced April 14th to be the official SF Chinese QiPao Day. Ms. Shen has dedicated herself to the legacy of Qipao, which originated nearly a century ago as a modern take on the Manchu dress, and remains one of the most iconic pieces of Chinese fashion.

The festivity attracted over 300 Bay Area community leaders, artists, and Silicon Valley professionals attendance, also included a traditional meal of Chinese cuisine along with a series of extraordinary cultural performances.

The highlight of San Francisco International Qipao Culture Month (SFIQM) this year was the special program “Community Stars Fashion Show” This idea started with two women entrepreneurs Sunny Shen and Diana Ding.

At the beginning of this year, Sunny asked Diana who are the beautiful role models of our community.  Diana answered “Women Leaders are the real beauties. From leading nations to standing up for human rights, to running the world’s most important organizations, women are shaping the world through their leadership. From daughters, and wives, to mothers, they are never too small to make difference.”

Two friends decided to invite women leaders to the “Community Stars Fashion Show” to represent Silicon Valley cities to model the beautiful silk Qipao garment. They are Mayor of Fremont, Resilient Lily Mei; May of Santa Clara, Brave Lisa Gillmor; Vice Mayor of Milpitas, Thoughtful Carmen Montano; Saratoga Councilmember, Persistent Yan Zhao; Cupertino City Councilmember, Positive Hung Wei; Milpitas Councilmember, Compassionate Evelyn Chua. The “Community Stars” have been shaping our community with their styles and defined “The Beauty of Community” in their own way.

This is the first celebration of the culture and fashion since the pandemic, also a big reunion of Asian community in the Bay Area. The 8th San Francisco International QiPao Culture Month will be on May 2023. Looking forward to celebrating another Colorful Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in beautiful QiPao.


Other Media reports:

Sina North America 




5月22日,第七届旧金山国际旗袍文化月压轴大戏—— 东方盛典在湾区米尔皮塔斯市圆满收官。这是今年继国际旗袍摄影大赛开赛、《旗风堂创意厨房》寻找旗袍美厨代言人系列活动之后的压轴巨献。
主办方收到加州参议员威善高、Fremont市长Lily Mei、中国驻旧金山总领馆贺信,传递了对旗袍文化传播、传承的美好祝福,对主办方的高度认可。
本次活动由美国旗风堂、旧金山国际旗袍文化月基金会主办,Ding Ding TV协办。Fremont 市长Lily Mei、Santa Clara市市长Lisa Gillmor、Milpitas副市长Carmen Montano、Saratoga市议员Yan Zhao、Milpitas市议员Evenlyn Chua、Cupertino市议员Hong Wei ,作为特邀嘉宾和2022年度“Community stars”,身着由旗风堂提供的各式华服旗袍为现场宾客奉上一场令人耳目一新的“女性领导力华服秀”,展现政界铁腕女性领导者温柔动人的一面,发扬旗袍及中华文化的魅力。
现场到贺贵宾包括:Daly市副市长Raymond Buenaventura、Fremont市议员Yang Shao、Fremont 市议员 Teresa Keng也出席讲话,祝贺旗袍文化月圆满成功,并感谢亚裔为社区做出的重要贡献,呼吁民众弘扬中华传统文化,提高亚裔在社区的可见度及影响力。

华服秀后,现场主题微论谈环节,这些女性领导者们,也向来宾们分享了自己对于论谈主题“美的社区”的定义。Fremont 市长Lily Mei表示,一个美丽的社区应该充满着合作、共赢的关系。各族裔群体团结在一起,互助互惠,追求共同的集体利益。


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