JOIN US : Classroom Convos End of Semester Chat
Going back to school this year was different than usual. On top of adjusting to remote learning, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) youth are facing bullying and racism around COVID-19. We may all be getting used to the new normal, but we should never accept racism or consider bullying as normal.Act To Change is teaming up with McDonald’s to host its second Classroom Convos, in partnership with NextShark, to help students, parents, educators and community leaders learn ways to support youth as they combat COVID-19 related bullying and discrimination.Join our one hour webinar to hear from youth leaders and to become advocates against bullying by creating safe online environments where everyone can feel nurtured and valued. REGISTER NOW |
2020 has been a difficult year. From the xenophobia towards Asian Americans caused by COVID-19, to the worrisome disproportionate number of COVID-19 cases affecting Pacific Islanders, and to the national uprisings surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement, we must look to end the year with hope.
We must learn, grow and become stronger together as we embrace the lesson that as much as #hateisavirus, #KindnessHeals.
Art is a form of expression that can be both cathartic and inspire positive action. Act To Change (ATC), the Daniel K. Inouye Institute (DKII), and the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center (APAC) encourage youth submit creative face mask designs to our #KindnessHeals campaign.
Find out submission guidelines and upload your design here, and explore further Kindness Heals resources here.