Create your online videos faster and more professional
Create your online videos faster and more professional $250/hour
Professional video studio, lighting, microphones, 100” TV and HD cameras, green screen, help you achieve your best possible video.
Depending on your inquiry, you may be charged at one of the rates below:
– $250/hour for weekdays production. ($500 for weekends and National Holidays)
– Including: 4 HD cameras, Tricaster video switching, banners creation, professional technician working on site.
– Minimum 2 hours per day
Social Media Promotion
$300/Enews $500/2 Enews
$1000/Wechat including: article, wechat creating, distribution
1. Commercial video for product $500+
2.Video for Service $500+: Make a powerful impact and an effective way to introduce the business to potential customers and other stakeholders.
3. Live Stream Training/Coaching $500+: Give you the power to connect your team wherever they are. Get flawless, secure, live streaming for your all-hands, training, and everything in between.