
被遺忘的大浩劫 1937 / The Forgotten Holocaust, 1937


電影觀賞會的內容、時間、和地點如下:『電影觀賞與回顧 –“被遺忘的大浩劫 1937”』

主辦單位舊金山市立總圖書館  與  抗日史實維護會 主辦

日期/時間:   2019 年9月21  日 (星期六)

(英語發音,中文字幕) 1:30PM – 4:00PM “被遺忘的大浩劫 1937”       ( 112 分鐘)


2019 年9月22  日 (星期日)

(英語發音,中文字幕) 1:30PM – 4:00PM  “張純如 – “南京大屠殺” ”    ( 106 分鐘)


地點:  舊金山市立總圖書館 Koret禮堂, 地下室

San Francisco Main Library 100 Larkin St., San Francisco, CA  (Close to Market & 8th St.)

(建議: 搭乘 BART 捷運,在 Civic Center 站下車,走路5分鐘)



  1. 週六(9/21)電影: “被遺忘的大浩劫 1937”

你是否曾經聽説過「南京大屠殺」(The Rape of Nanking) ? 那是一個真實發生在中國現代史上的悲劇。 也是一本在1997年出版的英文非小説類的暢銷書書名,作者是華裔美國人張純如(Iris Chang)。

包括美國馬紀牧師(John Magee)自行秘密拍攝的電影,我們收集成一組記錄片,藉由照片、地圖、與受難、目擊者、多位曾參與大屠殺而有反省的日本兵的證詞,將二戰期間日軍在攻破中國首都南京時對30萬中國人恐怖大屠殺與其醜陋罪行的史實更完整地公佈。而令世人驚駭不齒的日軍「慰安婦」的「慰安所」就是在「南京大屠殺」之後,普遍在在各日軍佔領區,強擄中國婦女推展設立了起來。影片中也將看到張純如發人深省的演講風采與她對日本政府與人民的正義呼籲。


  1. 週日(9/22)電影: “張純如 – “南京大屠殺” ” 有張純如的記錄片,也有鄭啟蕙 Olivia Cheng-Kung飾演年輕張純如的精彩片段。還有一首非常好聽歌頌張純如的歌。  全片扣人心弦地道出張純如如何著手揭露塵封二次大戰侵華日軍攻陷中國古都南京後所發生的六個多星期的血腥屠城,慘絕人寰的世紀慘案: 三十多萬人被屠殺,八萬宗強姦,全城遭洗劫摧毀。 張純如在成長中聽聞該暴行,但她找不到任何英文有關資料。  1995年夏,她親自飛到中國前往南京屠城地點採訪。 用英文寫成〈南京大屠殺〉,成為紐約時報1997年暢銷書。  片中有珍貴的訪問倖存者及歷史檔案。  大屠殺雖然已過了82年,仍然有許多新而駭人聽聞的文獻與細節陸續被披露出來。舊金山市立圖書館與抗日史實維護會邀請大眾一起來瞭解這1931–1945日本侵華戰爭年代裡最悲慘的一頁。

電影放映後將有專人與觀眾討論,回答問題。活動連絡人: 魯國明, 電話: 408-981-6683



Film Screenings of  “The Forgotten Holocaust, 1937”   and “Iris Chang –  “The Rape of Nanking” ”


San Francisco Main Library

Alliance for Preserving the Truth of Sino-Japanese War (APTSJW)


Dates & Time:

“The Forgotten Holocaust, 1937”   (112 minutes)
Saturday, September 21, 2019      (In English with Chinese subtitles) 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM

“Iris Chang – “The Rape of Nanking””           (106 minutes)
Sunday, September 22, 2019       (In English with Chinese subtitles)  1:30 PM – 4:00 PM


Venue: Koret Auditorium, Lower Level,
San Francisco Main Library, 100 Larkin Street, San Francisco CA 94102 (Close to Market and 8th Streets)

<Suggestion: Take BART, exit at Civic Center station, 5 minute walk>



  • “The Forgotten Holocaust, 1937”  This film traces the outbreak of the full-scale Sino-Japanese war on July 7, 1937 up to Dec. 13, 1937, the then Chinese capital Nanking fell, leading to the infamous Nanking Massacre, 300,000 Chinese tortured, and killed, 80,000 women raped. Footage of the atrocities was secretly filmed by Rev. John G. Magee. Although 82 years have passed by, new materials continue to surface, including horrific photos taken by and stories from the Japanese soldiers. Documents proved, after the Massacre,  the Japanese Army High Command ordered the establishment of the “Comfort Women” stations in occupied territories to force Chinese women into sex slavery. And Iris Chang’s inspiring speech and justice appeal to the Japanese government and Japanese people are well presented.
  • “Iris Chang – “The Rape of Nanking”” This film tells us how a young Chinese American author Iris Chang started Collecting materials to write the long-forgotten history of the Nanking Massacre in 1937 during which over 300,000 people were killed and 80,000 women raped over a period of 6 weeks. Her book, “ The Rape of Nanking, The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II”, was published in 1997, and was on the New York Times bestseller list for several months.  Through this film, audience can learn from her courage and wisdom, and hear her cries for justice and dignity on behalf of the victims. We invite the public to learn about the most tragic chapter of the 1937-1945 Sino-Japanese War. A discussion will follow after the film screening.

Contact: Steve Lu  (C)408-981-6683


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